
 Definition: A mass or ball of cells formed by the repeated division of a male germinal cell spermospore each constituent cell spermoblast of which is converted into a spermatozoid a spermatogemma


 Definition: Exodus withdrawal

,Reducing agent

 Definition: a substance that causes reduction of another substance in a chemical reaction as by donating electrons or adding hydrogen atoms as lithium hydride is a powerful reducing agent


 Definition: A genus of birds which includes the common hoopoe


 Definition: Containing or derived from tartar combined with tartaric acid


 Definition: A place where bees are kept a stand or shed for bees a beehouse


 Definition: Of or pertaining to autocracy or to an autocrat absolute holding independent and arbitrary powers of government


 Definition: Contending disposed to contend


 Definition: Causing sleep as the dormitive properties of opium


 Definition: See Muskrat


 Definition: Having a valence of eight capable of being combined with exchanged for or compared with eight atoms of hydrogen said of certain atoms or radicals


 Definition: A fencer a gladiator one who exhibits his skill in the use of the sword


 Definition: An arctic finch Plectrophenax nivalis syn Plectrophanes nivalis common in winter both in Europe and the United States and often appearing in large flocks during snowstorms It is partially white but variously marked with chestnut and brown Called also snow bunting snowflake snowfleck and snowflight


 Definition: To spit to throw out


 Definition: Rubbish


 Definition: Pertaining to a rector or a rectory rectoral


 Definition: disposed or placed in a particular kind of order

,Quillaia bark

 Definition: The bark of a rosaceous tree Quillaja Saponaria native of Chile The bark is finely laminated and very heavy with alkaline substances and is used commonly by the Chileans instead of soap Also called soap bark


 Definition: Full of or marked with freckles sprinkled with spots freckled


 Definition: An easy death a mode of dying to be desired


 Definition: To render slow to check to curb


 Definition: Having no distinction of sex sexless neuter


 Definition: To shut up to inclose


 Definition: Having the power or quality of purging cathartic


 Definition: Irascible passionate


 Definition: A peculiar kind of fructification on certain red algaelig consisting of an external mass of filaments at length separating into tetraspores


 Definition: Without fog clear


 Definition: The human body as distinguished from the head and limbs in sculpture the trunk of a statue mutilated of head and limbs as the torso of Hercules


 Definition: Protestantism


 Definition: The principles purposes and methods of the Fenians

,Observation deck

 Definition: A room or platform at a high point in a tall building with a broad view of the surrounding area It is often an outdoor platform but is sometimes indoors in a room with large windows to accommodate viewing

,Dogs bane

 Definition: See Dogbane

,Looking glass

 Definition: A mirror made of glass on which has been placed a backing of some reflecting substance as quicksilver


 Definition: Foul matter dirt rubbed in sullying blackness deeply ingrained


 Definition: Of or pertaining to the Caucasus a mountainous region between the Black and Caspian seas


 Definition: Tending to circumvent deceiving by artifices deluding


 Definition: A contrivance for producing manifold copies of a writing or drawing made obsolete by later developments in copying technology see xerography


 Definition: A hydrous silicate of copper occurring in emerald green crystals


 Definition: A blue coloring matter found in some stentors See Stentor 2


 Definition: The place or places adjoining or near neighborhood vicinity as a jury must be of the vicinage


 Definition: A proceeding prescribed by statute for ascertaining and fixing the boundaries of land See 2d Procession


 Definition: To break the power of a spell to release a person from the influence of a spell to disenchant


 Definition: A star of the first magnitude in the constellation Piscis Australis or Southern Fish


 Definition: To make eternal or endless


 Definition: A Romansch dialect spoken in some parts of Switzerland and the Tyrol


 Definition: same as discolor


 Definition: One of several pivoted pieces forming the throat of an adjustable die used in drawing wire lead pipe etc


 Definition: The practices or conduct of a scoundrel baseness rascality


 Definition: A vain or blustering boaster a braggart a braggadocio


 Definition: The power or right of taking a thing before it is offered
