About: The Story Behind WordGenerator.net

I first started out with creating generators on NameGenerator.biz it was only natural that I would create another generator site to compliment it. I had a few ideas in mind for a new generator website and when I saw that this domain name (www.WordGenerator.net) was available, I jumped on it like ... something that jumps really fast? .. ideas started to flow and in July 2011 I started to work on creating word generators and all the parts of the website that makes it all work, then the University work started to pour in (as it does) so all work halted until November 2011 when I finally got enough time to get some serious work done, so the "official" release date should probably be November 2011.

Why create a website like this?

Like with NameGenerator.biz, I first and foremost want to provide useful and easy to use tools for people to use for free. While WordGenerator.net is still in the works and probably will not be updated for months on end once it has all the main word generators (it is a side project for me), I will update it with ideas and feedback from people like you who use some of the word generators and think "why can't I do *this* with a particular word generator?" or "It would be good to have a word generator which generates *some type of word*". Other than the motivation of creating something useful, I want to create something which can be used to learn words, at the time of typing this I haven't created it, but sometime in the future I want to work towards making word generators for learning words and at different difficulty levels for kids right up and beyond 'adult level'.